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What is MyFitRx?

MyFitRx® is a physician-guided, medically integrated fitness program developed by Power Wellness. With ten unique 8-week pathways, and taught by credentialed, certified fitness professionals, MyFitRx® offers prescriptive fitness and wellness programming for people living with chronic conditions such as diabetes or arthritis or experiencing a life-changing event such as joint replacement surgery.

MyFitRx® pathways include:

myfitrx pathways

Patients are referred to a MyFitRx® pathway by their physician. Progress is tracked using initial, mid-point and final fitness assessments. Patient data can be securely shared with referring physicians via HIPAA-compliant systems.

MyFitRx® 2022 Referrals and Revenue Impact

Since 2017, MyFitRx® has generated just over $6M in lifetime member revenues.
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MyFitRx® is designed to motivate participants to improve their level of physical activity in order to reach individual fitness goals. For more information about MyFitRx® visit

About Power Wellness
Power Wellness is a leading medically integrated fitness management company with over 25 years of experience developing and managing fitness centers for health systems, municipalities, colleges/ universities, and foundations. Learn more about Power Wellness at today.

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